I bought this up because of the phenomenal morphwiz app that Jordan ruess(spelling?) endorsed, I assumed this one would be as musical and useful as that one. Wrong!
One of the most crucial elements of music is controlling dynamics, which apps like kaossilator, morphwiz and bebot do brilliantly, but this one offers no such control. Just flat, robotic stale sounding tones which I could look past if they sounded good but the are downright cheese-tacular. Controlling dynamics, especially on a platform like the ipad, is the only way to make the sounds come to life in a musical way and they seriously missed the boat on that part, instead opting for some pretty star animations the for e shape of the instrument your playing. I mean they couldnt even row a digital mod wheel, or xy pad or something to control volume swells, nope its all got to be "starry"...
The sounds are cheesy and nothing beyond mere novelty status as an ipad toy. Moreover, as a gigging keyboardist looking to incorporate the ipad into my rig, I laughed when I saw the scale options, bebot and kaossilator and most other apps offer an assortment of chromatics, major scales, minors, modes, and often exotic scales that are usually completely customizable as arpeggios and so on. Five. Five scales offered. And whats more, they insult anyone who knows even a little about music theory by including the "major pentatonic" and "minor pentatonic" as two separate scales. Play the major pentatonic in the key of C, then play the minor in the key of A, only start on the note "C". Youll "see" what I mean(oooh a pun)...
Jordan, I really expected more from a dude with your prestige on the keys, but its clear your cashing in on the oppurtunity, heck Id probably do the same thing in your shoes....wait....no way!!! For shame....oh for shame...
Two star because it looks nice and its functional as a toy...any serious musicians, save your hard earned money...or buy morphwiz ;)
Jah shoe wah about Tachyon